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Catchy Mnemonics 

September 16, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

I find most memory aids a little silly. Why learn a rhyme about horses when you can just learn the trig ratios? Why learn a rhyme about the duke of York when you can just remember the order the colours come in?

However, I find that music is a good way of remembering things. For some reason music is good for us to remember words. I can, for instance, remember the words to a great deal of 90s pop songs even though I didn’t like them and never chose to listen to them because I heard them out places and on TV so often that they got lodged in my brain forever. 

This is something I have seen work well in learning maths facts. Year on year I hear pupils sing “mean is average, mean is average…” etc in lessons to remember the averages. And I also hear a great many variations on the circle song.

Last year when I was teaching kinematics one of the students said “Sir,play the SUVAT song.” I’d not heard of the SUVAT song and he found it on you tube and we listened to it. It’s simple and it’s catchy and it really helped him and his class remember those equations. So on Tuesday I played it to one of my mechanics classes. By the end of the leson I’d heard three people sing it and it has been stuck in my head all week.

What do you think about mnemonics? Do they have a place? Have you any songs or rhymes that you use to remember things or that you encourage students to use? And do they help?

  1. September 16, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    The circle song is a must. I know it so well, I often sing it to my students and cut out YouTube altogether. Well, it keeps me entertained and that’s the main thing!
    “pi r squared sounds like area to me, if you need the circumference you use pi d”

    • September 16, 2016 at 6:02 pm

      Haha. I sing that one too. One of my year tens has promised me a rap on upper and lower bounds.

  1. December 5, 2016 at 7:10 am

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